• Delivery is not a free of charge service, SC Profimatic SRL, will charge delivery to end customer’s address, according to its location. Usually, shipping fee is 19.90 EUR, but for remote destinations the shipping fee can vary. We only deliver to the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, United Kingdom.

• Keep in mind that the products will be delivered from our warehouse in Romania via UPS or DPD Parcel Delivery, average transit time depending on the country where you live in, is 3-6 days. Transit time can also be influenced by weather conditions, existing conflicts, strikes, etc., so, the above specified transit time information is only for orientation and does not imply liability for SC Profimatic SRL, in this respect.

• Delivery conditions are DAP (Delivered at Place – named place of destination), meaning that all liabilities that derive from sending the parcel to the final destination via Parcel delivery fall into the responsibility of SC Profimatic SRL. If the parcel shows visible signs of depreciation, the final customer has to sign an agreement with the Parcel agent in which the nature of the defect has to be mentioned and agreed by the two parties. Otherwise, if the client accepts the parcel as is, SC Profimatic SRL declines liability meaning that the client has acknowledged the completion of the transaction without any objection.

• However, in the case the parcel shows no visible signs of depreciation but the items inside are damaged, broken or have suffered other kind of defects, the client has to advise SC Profimatic SRL about this and bring relevant proof on the nature of the defect. The case will be then solved on the basis of relevant facts, proofs and testimonies.

• Due to the fact the parcel passes through multiple countries and sorting systems to its final destination, we can not offer the client any info on local Parcel delivery customs in what concerns the actual delivery and ways of informing the final customer about the delivery.
The final customer has to agree with domestic representatives of the Parcel Company (UPS or DPD), if there are any misunderstandings about how, where and when the parcel will be delivered. SC Profimatic SRL can assist the final customer in obtaining relevant information on delivery customs in his country but declines liability in what concerns customs of the Parcel Delivery company in the country of the final client.