Legal mentions
The website “” and all the items traded on the website are the property of SC Profimatic SRL Romania, registered with the Romanian Chamber of Commerce under the number J12/4326/2006, VAT ID: RO20015464, having its offices at str. Donath, nr. XV/58, 400288, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. SC Profimatic SRL operates on the territory of the EU in the limits of the EU law and using legal trade means in order to fulfill the objective of its mission, to provide private and enterprise customers twin gear juicers and accessories. However, all SC Profimatic SRL actions fall eventually under Romanian law and all disputes that can not be solved in a reasonable way, will be judged according to Romanian law and customs. SC Profimatic SRL is an EU, VAT operator, so, all the prices shown on the website contain 19 % VAT. For companies that are EU, VAT operators, acquisition can be initiated without VAT, so, 19 % cheaper, but this has to be requested via email prior to initiating the shopping session.